Tuesday, July 14, 2009

in loving memories..............

This is to unlock my feelingsto you i cant believethat the problem we are facing will swap away son.you were my strength when i was weak my voice when i couldnt speak.my eyes when i couldnt see.you gave me wings and made me fly.i am greatful for each day you gave me.may be i dont know that much but i know this muchthat i was blessed because i was loved by you.loving you is the best thing that ever happend to me.though i know that love and marriages rarely combine.but germs of luv are multipying very fastevery moment you are apart so...........take me into your arms else ill be blown up by the epidemics. remembering you always andwaiting for the clouds to settle.do you know no place on this earth....i would rather spendthan in yur arms warmed by your kisses and lost in your touch and enriched by your love.there isnt a moment passeswhen i dont think about you.

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